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Other Subscription Questions

When Will My Plan Renew / When Will I Be Charged?

You can view the next billing cycle date in the "My Plan" section of the Flutterflow Account Page.


The next billing cycle date for this account is August 31, 2021

Do Subscriptions Renew Automatically?

Yes, our subscriptions renew automatically to avoid disrupting your app development. Monthly subscriptions renew on the same day each month (typically the day you subscribed).

Can I Pause My Subscription?

We do not currently offer the option to pause your subscription.

Can I Transfer My Subscription To Another User?

We are unable to transfer a paid FlutterFlow subscription to another FlutterFlow account.

If I have a paid plan will project collaborators be able to use paid features?

FlutterFlow subscriptions are seat based. A user added to your project will only have access to the features of their account plan. In order to access paid features, each individual user will need to have a paid plan.

If I upgrade from Standard Plan to Pro Plan in the middle of my billing cycle, will I be charged for both plans?

Upgrades are automatic, so the system will count the remaining days from the Standard, and reduce it from the Pro Plan price.

For example, if you have paid $42 for Standard and you have 15 days remaining in the billing cycle, then on upgrading to Pro(let's say priced at $70) you will eventually pay $(70-21) = $49.


FlutterFlow provides different pricing options depending on your region. To see the exact prices for your area, visit the Plans & Pricing page in our documentation.

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