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Submitting Item for Review

All items submitted to the Marketplace are subject to a comprehensive review process prior to publication. While we have recently significantly improved review times, please note that the review period can take up to 30 days depending on the complexity and volume of submissions.

Important: Review Submission Policies

Please review our Submission Guidelines and our Marketplace Terms of Service before submitting your item. It may also be helpful to review our Legal Guidelines for Creators, which explain your legal responsibility in plain language.

How to Submit an Item

An item can be an enitre project (in the case of Temlate Apps or Libraries), a page or a component (in the case of Template Page & Components) or a Custom Function, Action or Widget (in the case of Custom Code).

1. Set your project as a Marketplace project

Marketplace items should belong to projects that are specifically made to publish Marketplace items (i.e., they should not be inside of a production project).

In order to submit an item, it must be inside of a project that has been Set For Marketplace. A project that is set for Marketplace can not be deployed.

To set a project for Marketplace:

  1. Prerequisite: please enroll as a Marketplace creator first by setting up a profile in Marketplace. You can optionally also apply to become a paid creator, which allows you to monetize your items.
  2. Select the Share Icon from the Toolbar (top right side of the screen). Please note that you must be the project owner to see this icon and to submit an item.
  3. Select Create New Item > Set For Marketplace > Yes

You can also clone an existing project and then set it as a Marketplace Project.

2. Fill out the submission form

Below is an overview of what is needed to create your Marketplace item:


If you aren't ready to submit your item, select Save As Draft to continue editing your submission at a later time.

Cover Photo

The cover photo should be 1200x800 pixels and help the users understand the purpose of the item. GIFs are allowed but should not be distracting, focus solely on the use and/or usability of the template, and be highly optimized to ensure a smooth load on the platform. Please do not include the FlutterFlow logo in your cover image.

Include up to 4 additional photos that showcase your item's features. GIFs are allowed but should not be distracting, focus solely on the use and/or usability of the template, and be highly optimized to ensure a smooth load on the platform.

Each should be should be 1200x800 pixels.


The item name should be professional, unique, and help the users understand the purpose of the item. Please use correct grammar and capitalization.


The description should provide an overview of the key features, helping users determine if the item aligns with their requirements.

If the item includes any third-party paid services or packages/dependencies, those should also be mentioned in the description. Please use correct grammar and capitalization.

Usage Instructions

Provide clear and concise instructions on how to implement and utilize your item within FlutterFlow. Include any necessary steps, code snippets, or configurations required to get started. If your item depends on any third party services or packages/dependencies, please provide full details of these including showing users where to find relevant API keys or more information. Please use correct grammar and capitalization.

Marketplace Item Type

Four types of items can be submitted:

  • Libraries
  • Template Apps
  • Template Page or Components
  • Custom Code

Libraries allow you to share resources like API endpoints, UI components, custom data types, custom code, action blocks and more with complete version control.

To submit a Library to the Marketplace, first publish your project as a Library. Note that there are some limitations on Library projects - most notably there is currently no support for Firebase or Pages.

For more details, see the documentation on Libraries.


Libraries can be monetized. The minimum price for Libraries is $50.

Template Tags (optional)

Template tags help users sort and filter items. If the tags listed don't match your item, enter your desired search terms under Keywords.

Supported Platforms

You can submit Marketplace items for Android, iOS, and Web (or all three!). Please make sure to test on all supported platforms to ensure the item works without issues or errors.

Run Mode URL

A Run Mode link of your Marketplace allows users to better understand how your item looks and works.


If your Run Mode link includes authentication functionality, please add a demo login button that uses Anonymous sign-in or pre-fill demo credentials in the email and password inputs.

Documentation URL

If there are complex installation or usage instructions, we highly recommend creating a documentation link for your Marketplace item. This can be written (e.g., Notion Doc, Google Doc) or video (e.g., YouTube, Loom).

3. Submit your item for review

Once the Marketplace item submission form is complete, you can submit it for review. To submit a Marketplace item for review:

  1. Fill out the items in the Marketplace Item Submission Form
  2. Select Submit For Approval

Your item will be shown in your Dashboard under Created Items as "Pending Approval":

Item in "Pending Approval"

4. Edit an approved item


At this time, it is not possible to edit an approved Marketplace Item. We are working to add this functionality soon.