
The AdMob settings page allows you to add the keys for showing the Advertisements on your app.

Getting API Keys

Acquiring the API keys comprises the following steps:

1. Creating AdMob app

To create an AdMob app:

  1. Visit the AdMob homepage and signup using your Google account.

  2. Go to the Dashboard, and click Apps on the left side menu.

  3. Now, click Add App.

  4. Select the Platform as Android.

  5. For the Is the app listed on a supported app store?, select Yes if your app is published on Playstore or Appstore. Select No if your app is still under development.

  6. Click on Continue.

  7. Enter the App Name and click ADD APP.

  8. Click Done.

  9. Similarly, create another AdMob App for iOS app.

You should be creating two AdMob Apps to display advertisements in both Android and iOS apps.

2. Adding keys to FlutterFlow

You must add the App keys to your FlutterFlow project that will allow your app to communicate with the AdMob server.

To add the APP keys:

  1. First, get the APP key by visiting the AdMob dashboard > Select the App > App Settings (left side menu) > Copy the App ID.

  2. Now, return to the FlutterFlow project and navigate to Settings and Integrations > Integrations > AdMob.

  3. To display the GDPR consent dialog for users in the European Union (EU), enable the Show GDPR Consent Dialog at App Launch toggle.

  4. Find the AdMob Android App Key input box and enter the key.

  5. Similarly, add the AdMob iOS App Key from the iOS AdMob app.

Showing ads

After adding the keys, you can find the instructions to display the ad on below pages:

AdBannerLoad/Show Interstitial Ad

Last Updated Date: February 16, 2024

Last updated