Update Email

This action allows users to change their registered email address linked to their user profile, thus ensuring their account details are up-to-date.

This is helpful in scenarios where a user may have changed their primary email address or entered an incorrect one during initial registration. Also, if users lose access to their original email or forget their login credentials, being able to update their email addresses can assist in resetting passwords or recovering account access.


Before you add this action, make sure you have added the Firebase Authentication and have some user accounts created.

Adding Update Email action

Follow the steps below to add this action to any widget.

  1. Select the Widget (e.g., Container, Button, etc.) on which you want to add the action.

  2. Select Actions from the properties panel (the right menu), If it's the first action, click + Add Action button. Otherwise, click the "+" button below the previous action tile (inside Action Flow Editor) and select Add Action.

  3. Search and select the Update Email (under Backend/Database > Firebase Authentication) action.

  4. As a best practice, it's also recommended to send the email verification link to the new email (using the e-mail verification action) followed by this action.

Last updated