
In your app, you must be open and get upfront consent before using the user's private information, such as location, health data, photos, or any information that reveals their identity via the camera and/or microphone. This is done by adding a permission flow just before accessing the data.

We automatically add permissions whenever you add features that access the user's private data. The only thing left for you is to add the permission messages. Adding permission messages helps users clearly understand how your app will use the data it is requesting for.

  • You can't show the custom permission message on Android, so the message(s) added here are displayed only on iOS devices. To write a clear permission message, please visit the help guide here.

  • You can't turn off the permission (with messages) added by us to prevent issues that might come after submitting your app for review.

  • See how to request permission.

Adding permission message

Although we add some default permission messages, you must change them to clearly mention the reason for asking the permission(s).

To add permission message:

  1. Select Settings & Integrations from the left Navigation Menu.

  2. Under the Project Setup, select Permissions.

  3. Here you can customize the permission message for each permission. For the permissions which are not added/enabled yet, you can turn on the toggle and enter the message. On running the app, this message will be displayed inside the standard alert dialog (between your app name and action buttons).

For the already added permission (which you can't turn off), if you leave the message empty, the message displayed as a hint will be shown inside the permission dialog.

Adding custom permission

Sometimes you might add a feature (probably using Custom Widget or Custom Action) which requires user permission and is not present in the list here—for example, adding a speech recognition feature to your project. In that case, you can add the required permission along with the message for the Android and/or iOS from here.

To add custom permission:

  1. Select Settings & Integrations from the left Navigation Menu.

  2. Under the Project Setup, select Permissions.

  3. Click on the + Add Permission.

  4. Inside the iOS Permission key enter the value (e.g. NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription, NSMicrophoneUsageDescription etc.).

  5. Inside the Android Permission name enter the value (e.g., RECORD_AUDIO, CAMERA, etc.).

  6. Also, enter the Permission Message that describes the exact usage of data.

Adding translation for messages

You can also add multilingual permission messages by following the instruction here.

Last updated