
The Platforms page allows you to select the platform to include in the generated project. By default, the generated project can run on Android, iOS, and the Web without any additional effort. However, to run your app on the desktop, you need to enable a platform (e.g., MacOS, Windows, Linux) from this page.

After selecting the platforms, you can download the generated project and run the app using the testing instructions on the following page:

Testing Your App

Advanced Android Settings

  • Kotlin Version: There are various situations where you may need to modify or configure the Kotlin version in your Android project. This could include updating to the latest version, adapting the version to accommodate a specific library or tool, or other specific requirements. To change the default version, enter the value in Kotlin Version.

  • Compile SDK Version: This refers to the version of Android that your code is compiled against. It determines the APIs your app can use. To change it, enter the desired SDK version in the Compile SDK Version field.

  • Target SDK Version: This is the version of Android that your app is intended to run on. It helps Android ensure forward compatibility by applying certain behavior changes only if the target SDK is high enough. To adjust this, enter the desired version in the Target SDK Version field.

Advanced iOS Settings

If the app is specifically designed for an iPhone and doesn't provide a good user experience on an iPad, you might want to Disable iPad Support.

Last updated