Adding Data

This page guides you on adding data to your Supabase table.


Before you start, ensure you have completed the Supabase Setup and have a table created that you will use to store the data.

Adding data to Supabase table

To add data from your app, you must have a page and then add an action to add a new entry in your Supabase table.

Let's take an example of the AssignmentTracker app and build a page that allows users to add the assignment. Here's how it might look:

Adding data from your app consists of the following steps:

  1. Build a page (skip if you already have it)

1. Build a page

This page allows you to enter assignment details such as title, description, due date, and books (to carry for assignment) using various widgets available in our widget palette.

Here is how you do it:

  1. Inside the Column widget, add two TextFields; one TextField for the title and another for the description.

  2. Add a Container Widget with an action to open the DatePicker. Inside the Container, add a Text widget to show the selected Date.

  3. Now add a CheckboxGroup widget and define some options.

  4. Finally, add a Button.

Here's how it looks in the widget tree:

UI for entering assignment details

2. Adding an action to insert a row

Check how to add an action to insert a new row.

The Date/Time Picked is only available if you added an action to open DatePicker.

Last Updated Date: January 3, 2024

Last updated