Deleting Data

This page guides you on deleting data from your Supabase table.


Before you start, ensure you have completed the Supabase Setup and have a table with some rows already inserted.

Deleting data from Supabase table

To delete data from your app, you must have a widget that represents a delete action and then add an action to delete a row from your Supabase table.

Let's take an example of the AssignmentTracker app and delete any assignment from the list. Here's how it might look:

Deleting data from your app consists of the following steps:

  1. Build a page (skip if you already have it)

1. Build a page

This page allows you to delete an assignment using the SlidableListTile widget.

Here is how you do it:

  1. Create a page with ListView > ListTile and display the assignments from the Supabase table.

  2. Select the ListTile (inside the ListView), move to the property panel, and turn on the Slidable property.

  3. Select the SlidableActionWidget, change its Text to Delete, set its Color to red, and change the Icon Selector to delete.

Here's how you do it:

2. Adding an action to delete a row

Check how to add an action to delete a row.

Last Updated Date: January 3, 2024

Last updated