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FlutterFlow CLI

The FlutterFlow CLI tool allows you to quickly and easily download your project files directly from FlutterFlow to your local machine.


To use the FlutterFlow CLI, you first need to install it globally using Dart's package manager with the following command:

dart pub global activate flutterflow_cli


Follow the steps below to export your project.

CLI command details

  • If you wish to exclude assets from the download, use -no-include-assets in your command. This will download the project code without the assets. For example: flutterflow export-code --project your_project_id --dest path_to_output_folde --no-include-assets --token your_token

  • You can download code from a specific branch by switching to that branch and using the toolbar command, or by including the -branch-name or -b flag in your command and specifying the branch you wish to download from.

All supported command options

--dest / -dSpecifies a destination folder other than the current directoryCurrent directory
--[no]-include-assetsOption to download assets (images, GIFs). Useful for consecutive code exports if the assets folder hasn't changedFalse
--branch-name / -bDownloads from a specific branchMain
--[no]-fixOption to run dart fix on the code after downloadingFalse
--[no]-parent-folderOption to download the code into a subfolder instead of directly into the directoryFalse

Filtered exports

We've developed a solution that allows you to use the CLI tool without overwriting specific files or directories. This is especially useful if you're managing code outside of FlutterFlow and want to prevent it from being overwritten during a code export.