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Pre-checks Before Publishing

This page outlines the important steps and checks to be made before publishing your app. These steps are crucial to ensure that your app works as expected, meets platform guidelines, and to gather preliminary feedback.

Here’s a comprehensive list of these prechecks:

  1. Functionality Testing: Test the app manually across devices. You can also implement integration tests using FlutterFlow’s Automated Tests framework to cover various scenarios.

  2. Get Feedback: Run your app in Run Mode to generate a shareable link to the session. You can share these links to gather feedback from users and testers, providing valuable insights and potential areas of improvement before the public release.

  3. Optimizations & Enhancements: Improve performance by implementing optimization and enhancement suggestions. Ensure that images are properly sized, consider using higher compression for assets, and remove unused assets and custom widgets. These will help improve your app's speed and size.

  4. User Interface: Check UI consistency across different screen sizes and resolutions using the Canvas Size option.

  5. Accessibility Checks: Add semantic labels to make the app more accessible to users with disabilities by providing meaningful descriptions.

  6. Security Measures: Make sure all data handling practices comply with legal standards, including GDPR if applicable. Use HTTPS for all network connections and ensure that sensitive data is encrypted.

  7. Compliance with Store Guidelines: Review the submission guidelines for Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store. Check for any specific requirements such as app metadata, privacy policies, and minimum functionality.

  8. Localization and Internationalization: If your app targets users in multiple countries, consider adding multi-language support.

  9. License and Third-Party Attributions: Adhere to licenses and include necessary attributions for third-party libraries and assets.

  10. Prepare Marketing Assets: Prepare all the necessary marketing assets, such as screenshots, app icons, and promotional text. You can easily generate screenshots right within FlutterFlow.

Generate Screenshots

Alongside crafting beautiful apps, you can also generate screenshots for your mobile app right within the builder. Screenshots are captured in all the recommended device sizes required for publishing to the App Store and Play Store.


If pages are rendered using a WebView widget, the generated screenshots will appear blank.

Let's explore how to generate screenshots for your app: