Resources & Tutorials

Get started with FlutterFlow

If you're just starting out with FlutterFlow, we suggest exploring our range of learning resources. This includes informative videos with examples, written docs & guides, and interactive in-app tutorials. These materials are designed to help you quickly grasp FlutterFlow and kickstart your journey in using this platform effectively.

Building your first FlutterFlow app

  • [Video] Walkthrough of FlutterFlow: In this quick video, we walk through the interface, show you how to add & configure widgets, add actions like navigation, and connect a backend.

  • [In App Tutorial] Build your first app in 10 mins: Dive into FlutterFlow by creating your first screen. By the end, you'll complete a working travel app linked to live data.

  • [In App Tutorial] Flutter to FlutterFlow: If you're an existing Flutter developer, you can rebuild the popular Counter App. This will help you transfer your Flutter skills and make FlutterFlow easier to learn. Note: All In-App Tutorials are available under 'Resources' tab > 'In App Tutorials' on your FlutterFlow dashboard.

UI & Design

  • [Docs] Layout 101: This guide dives deep into the world of layout design, explaining how to create complex layouts in FlutterFlow. It also includes practical examples for you to try.

  • [Video] #1 Rule of FlutterFlow layouts: In this video we cover the #1 rule for understanding and troubleshooting layouts in FlutterFlow.

State Management

  • [Video] Overview of State Management in FlutterFlow: This video covers widget roles, three types of state variables such as component state variables, page state variables, and app state variables, and their application in app development, concluding with a practical coffee checkout page example.

  • [Video] Data Binding: We explore how to bind data in FlutterFlow and demonstrate all the different kinds of sources you can bind to and show you how to bind data from a single source or multiple sources to generate multiple child widgets.

  • [Docs] Navigate To: A quick example to show how you can navigate from one page to another.

  • [Docs] Passing Data: Explore how to transfer data during navigation in this guide, which also includes practical everyday use cases for you to try.

Next steps


  • [Video] Calling APIs from FlutterFlow: Learn to set up API calls in FlutterFlow, covering everything from importing APIs to handling GET and POST requests, and binding responses to UI widgets.


  • [Video] Intro to Animation Types in FlutterFlow: This video explores five animation methods in FlutterFlow: Animation Engine, Implicit Animations, Hero Animations, Rive app, and Lottie.


  • [Video] Introduction to Custom Code: This video introduces the concept of writing custom code, written directly in FlutterFlow, using Flutter and Dart. Also learn about the differences between Custom Functions, Actions, and Widgets in FlutterFlow, along with 10 essential tips for working effectively with custom code.

Publishing & Deployment

  • [Docs] Web publishing: Learn how to quickly publish your newly built app to the web in just a few quick steps.

Other Resources

  • [Video Series] Building Games with FlutterFlow: Learn how to create endless runner games easily in FlutterFlow using basic coordinate system concepts.

  • Community Knowledge Base: This section provides answers to frequently asked questions within the community, addressing common queries and concerns that you might also share.

Community Resources

Explore our range of video tutorials in various languages, created by community experts.

Last updated