
The CircleImage widget is used to show a circular image from uploaded assets or the URL link. The CircleImage widget can display the different types of images such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, Animated GIF, WebP, Animated WebP, BMP, and WBMP.

Adding a CircleImage to Your Project

Here's how you can add the CircleImage widget to your project:

  1. Drag the CircleImage widget from the Base Elements tab (in the Widget Panel) or add it directly from the widget tree.

  2. Move to the Property Editor (on the right side of your screen) and scroll down to the Image section.

  3. Find the Path property and enter the URL for the new image.

  4. Find the Cache checkbox below, click on it to checkmark. Enabling cache will store the image and display it even when the internet is not available.

Every CircleImage widget added to the project will show a random image from by default.

Changing the Image Type

Here are the instructions on changing the Image type.

Add image from Unsplash

See how to add an image from Unsplash here.

Changing the Properties

The Properties Panel can be used to customize the appearance and behavior of your widget.

Add Padding

Here are the instructions on how to add padding.

Adjust the Alignment

Here are the instructions on adjusting the alignment.

Changing Image Size

You can increase or decrease the circular shape of the image using the Radius property.

To change the size of the circular shape of the image:

  1. Select the CircleImage from the widget tree or from the canvas area.

  2. Move to the Property Editor (on the right side of your screen) and scroll down to the Image section.

  3. Find the Radius property.

  4. There are three ways to change the image size:

    1. To set to an exact size, select PX and enter the desired values.

    2. To set the dimensions as a % of the screen size, select % and enter the desired value.

Changing the Box Fit

Changing the Box Fit value allows you to control how the image should display inside the CircleImage widget. Various options under the Box Fit property helps you scale (grow or shrink in size) the image inside the CircleImage widget.

To change the Box Fit value:

  1. Select CircleImage from the widget tree or from the canvas area.

  2. Move to the Property Editor (on the right side of your screen) and scroll down to the Image section.

  3. Find the Box Fit dropdown, try changing it to the other values to get the perfect image.

Changing the Box Fit property for the CircleImage will only have an effect if the image has a different height and width. To try it out, you can replace the URL path for the image with

Here are all the options that are available for the Box Fit property.

Cover: It shows the image as small as possible while still covering the entire Image widget.

Showing Image on Fullscreen

Please find the instructions on showing the CircleImage on full screen here.

Adding Action

To perform any action on click of the CircleImage, add an Action in FlutterFlow. You can find the instructions on adding the Action here.

Showing Firestore Data

To show the data retrieved from your Firestore collection and document into the CircleImage widget, ensure you:

  1. Completed all steps in the Firebase Setup section for your project.

  2. Retrieved Data from either collection or document.

  3. Finally, to show data into the CircleImage widget, follow the steps here.

Show error image on failure

See how to display a custom image when an actual image fails to load.

Last updated