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Introduction to Widgets

Widgets are the building blocks of your app's user interface in FlutterFlow. Each widget represents a fundamental UI element that contributes to the overall layout and functionality of your app. In FlutterFlow, you create your app's UI by combining basic widgets like Text, Button and Container with more complex, multi-child widgets like Rows, Column, Lists.

Understanding the parent-child relationship between widgets is crucial, as it forms the foundation of the Widget Tree, which defines the structure and hierarchy of your app's UI.

Widget Tree

Widget Tree is a visual and structural representation of how widgets—ranging from atomic elements like Text and Button to more complex molecules and organisms—organized within a Page. It outlines the parent-child relationships that define the layout and functionality of your UI. This hierarchy is similar to the concept of atomic design, where atoms and molecules combine to form more complex structures, ultimately creating a cohesive interface.



The above diagram illustrates a widget tree for an ExamplePage. The page is structured using a hierarchy of widgets that define its layout and functionality.

  • ExamplePage: The root of the widget tree, representing the entire Page.
    • Column: Directly under the root, this widget organizes its child widgets vertically. It is the main layout widget for this Page.
      • Container: A molecular widget that contains another widget, providing padding, margins, borders, or color to its child.
        • Text: An atomic widget, this displays a string of text within the Container.
      • Row: A molecular widget that arranges its children horizontally. It contains multiple Icon widgets.
        • Icon: These are atomic widgets, each representing an Icon image. They are repeated here twice under the Row.
      • Image: An atomic widget placed directly under the Column, used here to display an image.
      • Button: An atomic widget also under the Column, used for user interaction.

Each widget in this tree plays a specific role in constructing the user interface, from basic elements like Text and Image to layout structures like Rows and Columns that organize these elements.

Here's how this widget tree would be represented in FlutterFlow: widget-tree-new.png

Understanding the widget tree is crucial for developers using FlutterFlow because it helps visualize the composition of the application's interface. It shows how individual widgets (atoms) combine and nest within each other to form more complex widgets (molecules and organisms) and ultimately complete pages.

Widget categories

In FlutterFlow, we have the following categories of widgets:

Layout Elements

These widgets help organize the structure and layout of your app. They determine how other widgets are arranged and displayed on the screen.

Common layout elements include:

RowArrange its child widgets horizontally
ColumnOrganizes its child widgets vertically.
StackLayers its child widgets on top of each other, allowing for overlapping elements.
ContainerProvides a box model for a single child widget, with optional padding, margins, borders, box shadow and background color.

Find the entire list on this index page.

Base Elements

Base elements are the fundamental building blocks for creating the visual and interactive components of your app.

Examples include:

TextDisplays a string of text and allows you to customize fonts, sizes, and styles.
ImageDisplays image.
IconDisplays icon.
ButtonA widget meant to trigger actions and take users to another flow in the app. It can be styled with different colors, borders, and text

Find the entire list on this index page.

Page Elements

In FlutterFlow, the Page Elements category consists of widgets like AppBar, Floating Action Button (FAB), Drawer, and End Drawer, which are essential for structuring pages and facilitating navigation throughout the app.


Learn more about Page Elements such as AppBar, Snackbar, Drawers etc and how to use them in FlutterFlow.

Form Elements

Form elements are widgets specifically used for creating forms where users can enter data. These are crucial for tasks like user registration, login, and data entry.

Examples include:

Text FieldAllows users to enter text.Textfield Example
Radio ButtonAllows users to select one option from a set.Radio Button Example
DropdownProvides a menu with multiple options where users can select one.Dropdown Example

Find the entire list on this index page.

Each category in FlutterFlow serves distinct purposes, helping you design both the appearance and functionality of your app more efficiently.

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