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Common Code Examples

The custom code feature in FlutterFlow allows you to extend functionality by accessing generated classes and modifying global variables like App States and FlutterFlow themes. This guide covers common scenarios where you can leverage custom code to enhance your project by working directly with data models and other resources within your code.


Custom Functions cannot import new files or packages outside of the default dedicated imports. Therefore, most of the suggestions below that involve adding a new import will not work in Custom Functions due to this restriction. However, they will work for Custom Widgets and Custom Actions.

For example, a new Custom Function typically includes the following packages and files. Your custom function code changes should use only these packages & files:

import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math' as math;

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:google_fonts/google_fonts.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:timeago/timeago.dart' as timeago;
import 'lat_lng.dart';
import 'place.dart';
import 'uploaded_file.dart';
import '/backend/backend.dart';
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import '/backend/schema/structs/index.dart';
import '/backend/schema/enums/enums.dart';
import '/auth/firebase_auth/auth_util.dart';

Accessing FlutterFlow Generated Classes

FlutterFlow generates a complete Flutter codebase for you as you build apps in its platform. Part of this code includes custom classes that are designed to streamline common tasks and encapsulate reusable properties or logic.

For example:

  • Button Widgets: FlutterFlow provides custom button classes like FFButton that come with built-in styling and behaviors.
  • Google Places: The FFPlace class encapsulates properties of a Google Place, such as name, address, and coordinates.
  • File Uploads: The FFUploadedFile class represents files uploaded to your app, encapsulating properties like the file name, bytes, and URL.
What is a Class?

In programming, a class is a blueprint for creating objects. It defines properties (data) and methods (functions) that belong to objects of that type.

For example,

  • A Car class might have properties like color and speed and methods like drive() and stop().
  • In FlutterFlow, a class like FFPlace might have properties like address and latLng, and methods to manipulate or retrieve these values.

These custom FlutterFlow classes in the generated code are mostly prefixed with FF<ClassName> or FlutterFlow<ClassName>. If you need to access these classes in your custom code, simply type "FF" or "FlutterFlow" in the code editor to locate them quick.


Leveraging Components in Custom Widget

Static Components vs Dynamic

Use this approach only when the component is a fixed element that does not change across different use cases. If the child component needs to change based on user choices, pass it directly as a parameter.

In a Custom Widget, you can integrate a previously built FlutterFlow Component directly, saving you from recreating child content in code. For example, if you’re building a Custom Widget to display custom dialog boxes or bottom sheets using a package from, you can simply return an existing Component created on the canvas, rather than coding a new one from scratch.


When referencing a Component class in your code, FlutterFlow will automatically add the necessary import statement.


Accessing FlutterFlow Theme in Custom Widget

When building custom widgets, you often need to style parts of the widget, such as setting colors. Instead of using hardcoded color values, you can directly access the FlutterFlow Theme. This theme provides consistent styling across your app and reflects colors set by you or your project developer.

To access theme colors in your custom widget, use the FlutterFlowTheme.of(context) method. This allows you to retrieve any theme property, such as the default primary, primaryBackground, or other custom-created colors, as well as text styles like bodyLarge or bodyMedium, ensuring that your custom widget aligns with the app’s overall theme.

Here’s an example of how to use the primary color from FlutterFlow Theme in a custom widget:


Ensure you import import '../flutter_flow/flutter_flow_theme.dart'; when accessing FlutterFlowTheme in your custom widgets.

class CustomButton extends StatefulWidget {
final String label;

CustomButton({required this.label});

_CustomButtonState createState() => _CustomButtonState();

class _CustomButtonState extends State<CustomButton> {
bool isPressed = false;

void toggleButton() {
setState(() {
isPressed = !isPressed;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ElevatedButton(
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
backgroundColor: isPressed
? FlutterFlowTheme.of(context).primary // Primary color when pressed
: FlutterFlowTheme.of(context).secondaryBackground, // Default color
foregroundColor: FlutterFlowTheme.of(context).secondaryText, // Text color
onPressed: toggleButton,
child: Text(
style: FlutterFlowTheme.of(context).bodyText1, // Themed text style

Find the list of colors,

Manipulating AppState from Custom Code

In FlutterFlow, you can access or update AppState directly from the Action Flow Editor. However, certain scenarios may require you to access or modify AppState within custom code for more control over the operation flow. The FFAppState class also provides additional helper functions to manipulate AppState variables. Let’s look at some examples:


Ensure you import import '../../flutter_flow/flutter_flow_util.dart'; when accessing FFAppState in custom code resources.

  • Accessing AppState in Custom Code

Future getCartItems() async {
// Retrieve the current cart items from AppState
final currentCartItems = FFAppState().cartItems;
print('Current Cart Items: $currentCartItems');
  • Updating AppState Values in Custom Code
Future enableDarkMode() async {
// Enable dark mode in AppState
FFAppState().update(() {
FFAppState().enableDarkMode = true;
print('Dark mode enabled');
  • Modifying a List in AppState Using Helper Functions

The FFAppState class offers a variety of helper functions to easily manage list variables in AppState. For a detailed overview of this generated class, check out this guide. Here are some examples of how to use these helper functions to modify an AppState list variable:

Future addLocation(LatLng value) async {
// Add a new location to the LatLng list

Future removeLocation(LatLng value) async {
// Remove a specific location from the LatLng list

Future removeLocationAtIndex(int index) async {
// Remove a location at a specific index from the LatLng list

Future updateLocationAtIndex(int index, LatLng Function(LatLng) updateFn) async {
// Update a location at a specific index in the LatLng list
FFAppState().updateLatLngListAtIndex(index, updateFn);

Future insertLocationAtIndex(int index, LatLng value) async {
// Insert a new location at a specific index in the LatLng list
FFAppState().insertAtIndexInLatLngList(index, value);

Leverage Custom Data Types

When you create a custom data type in FlutterFlow, it generates a corresponding <Name>Struct class. In FlutterFlow's custom code, you can create new instances of such data types, pass instances back into an action, or manipulate and retrieve information from existing objects. Here are some examples to help illustrate working with an example ProductStruct class.

Example 1: Creating a new Instance of ProductStruct

To create a new ProductStruct instance, initialize it with the required properties:

// Create a new instance of ProductStruct
final newProduct = ProductStruct(
productId: '123',
name: 'Example Product',
description: 'A sample product description.',
category: 'Electronics',
subCategory: 'Mobile Phones',
price: PriceStruct(amount: 299.99, currency: 'USD'),
sizes: ['Small', 'Medium', 'Large'],
colors: [ColorsStruct(colorName: 'Red', colorHex: '#FF0000')],
images: [ImagesStruct(thumbnail: '')],
stockStatus: StockStatusStruct(xs: 0, small: 2),
reviews: [ReviewsStruct(rating: 4, comment: 'Great product!')],

Example 2: Accessing Properties of an Existing ProductStruct object

If you have an existing ProductStruct object (e.g., retrieved from a list of products), you can access its properties or return specific values back to the calling Action.

Let's assume you have an Action that calls a Custom Action to retrieve a field value from the provided ProductStruct object.

  • Returning a Single Field from ProductStruct

This function retrieves and returns the product's name. The return type is String? to account for the possibility of a null value.

// Function to return the product name from a ProductStruct instance
String? getProductName(ProductStruct product) {
// Access and return the product name
  • Checking if a Field Exists in a ProductStruct Object This function determines whether the ProductStruct object contains a non-null value for a specific field, such as description. It returns true if the field exists and is not null, and false otherwise.
// Function to check if the description field exists in a ProductStruct instance
bool hasDescription(ProductStruct product) {
// Return true if the description is not null, false otherwise
return product.description != null;
  • Returning a List of Review Comments from ProductStruct

This function retrieves a list of review comments from the reviews field in the ProductStruct. The return type is List<String> as it returns a list of comments (or an empty list if there are no reviews).

// Function to return a list of review comments from a ProductStruct instance
List<String> getProductReviewComments(ProductStruct product) {
// Check if reviews are present and return a list of review comments
return => review.comment ?? '').toList() ?? [];

Example 3: Modifying Properties of an Existing ProductStruct Object

You can also modify the properties of an existing ProductStruct object. This can be helpful if you want to update a field before saving the data back to Firebase or passing it into an action.

  • Simple Property Modification In this example, we’ll modify a single property, like productName, of an existing ProductStruct object. This example is straightforward and demonstrates how to update a basic field in the object.
// Function to update the product name of a ProductStruct instance
Future updateProductName(ProductStruct product, String newProductName) {
// Update the product name with the new value
product.productName = newProductName;
  • Complex Property Modification - Nested Object Update In this more complex example, we’ll modify a nested property within the ProductStruct, such as updating the price (which itself is a PriceStruct object). This shows how to update a property that itself contains multiple fields.
// Function to update the price of a ProductStruct instance
Future updateProductPrice(ProductStruct product, double newAmount, String currency) {
// Check if price is not null
if (product.price != null) {
// Update only the amount field
product.price!.amount = newAmount;
} else {
// If price is null, optionally initialize it if needed
product.price = PriceStruct(
amount: newAmount,
currency: currency,
  • Complex Property Modification - Updating a List Property In this example, we’ll add new items to a list property, like adding new review comments to the reviews list in ProductStruct. This example shows how to work with a list of nested objects.
Future addNewReviews(ProductStruct product) { ??= []; // Initialize the reviews list if it's null!.addAll([
ReviewStruct(rating: 5, comment: 'Excellent product!'),
ReviewStruct(rating: 4, comment: 'Good quality, but a bit expensive.'),
ReviewStruct(rating: 3, comment: 'Satisfactory, meets expectations.'),

or if the new list of reviews is being provided to the Custom Action, then:

Future addDynamicReviews(ProductStruct product, List<ReviewStruct> newReviews) { ??= []; // Initialize the reviews list if it's null!.addAll(newReviews); // Add the new reviews

Using Firebase Auth Variables in Custom Code

When using Firebase Authentication for your app, FlutterFlow provides access to key authentication data, such as currentUserDisplayName, currentUserUid, and more. These variables can be used in your Custom Actions to build additional features that require such common data from authenticated users.

For example, you can check if a user’s email is verified before proceeding with certain actions:

if (currentUserEmailVerified) {
// Perform action for verified users

Or, if you need to create a directory path that includes the user’s unique ID:

String directoryPath = '/users/' + currentUserUid + '/files';

Here’s a list of other Firebase Auth variables that can be referenced in Custom Code:

  • currentUserEmail – The email address of the current user.

  • currentUserUid – The unique ID of the current user.

  • currentUserDisplayName – The display name set by the user.

  • currentUserPhoto – The profile photo URL of the current user.

  • currentPhoneNumber – The user’s phone number, if available.

  • currentJwtToken – The current user’s JWT token for secure requests.

  • currentUserEmailVerified – Boolean indicating if the user’s email is verified.

  • These variables make it easy to integrate Firebase Auth data into custom functionality, enhancing the user experience.