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File Handling

FlutterFlow makes it easy to manage, upload, download, and display files within your app. It supports a variety of file types, including images, videos, and documents, and integrates seamlessly with popular storage solutions. Using built-in widgets and actions, you can effectively manage your app's media. This guide covers the following key aspects of file handling in FlutterFlow.

  • Media Assets: Upload any assets you want to use in your app from the Navigation Menu > Media Assets. This also shows the media assets of the Team.
  • Uploading Files: Upload and save different file types, including images, audio, videos, and PDFs to cloud storage.
  • Displaying Media: Fetch files from cloud storage or external URLs and display them in your app.
  • Download Files: Allow users to download files directly to their devices.
  • Clear or Delete Media: Allow users to delete uploaded files from their devices and cloud storage.
Also see
  • Stream Media with Mux: Integrate Mux's broadcasting services in FlutterFlow by using the MuxBroadcast widget for live streaming.
  • Request Permissions: Request user permissions when implementing custom widgets or actions that access personal information, such as capturing photos or selecting images, especially if no built-in permission mechanism is available.