
1. Supabase

On this page, you can connect to your Supabase project.


2. GitHub

On this page you can link your project to the Github repository.


3. Algolia

On this page, you can manage settings for Algolia search integration.


4. Google Analytics

On this page, you can enable the settings to log various app-related events.

Google Analytics

5. Google Maps

On this page, you can add keys to enable the Google Maps service on Android, iOS, and Web.

Google Maps

6. AdMob

On this page, you can add keys to enable the AdMob service on Android and iOS devices.


7. Mux Livestream

On this page, you'll learn to add Mux livestream to your app.

Mux Livestream

8. SQLite

From here, you can integrate SQLite into your app.


9. OneSignal

On this page, you can integrate the OneSigal service to send email and SMS notifications to your users.


10. Gemini

From here, you can integrate the Gemini AI into your app.


Last updated