Testing On Desktop

This page guides you on testing your app on a desktop.

We allow you to develop a desktop app that can be run on a Windows, macOS, and Linux operating system.

How to test Desktop app

Testing the desktop app consists of the following steps:

1. Adding platforms

To add platform support:

  1. Enable the platform that you want to support.

2. Make design adjustments (optional)

If you're creating a desktop-only application, setting the canvas size to desktop and building pages accordingly can work well. However, if you plan to target both mobile and desktop users, some design adjustments may be necessary to ensure that the UI is optimized for both platforms.

You can create separate widgets for different platforms and control their visibility using Responsive Visibility.

Now, you can also add responsive visibility on the standard FlutterFlow Navbar and AppBar.

3. Run the app on a desktop

There are two ways you can run your app on a desktop:

3.1 Use Local Run in the FlutterFlow Desktop app

If you're using our Desktop App, you can utilize the Local Run feature to test your app on an actual device or a simulator/emulator. Simply add the desktop device to the selected device list and click the Test button.

3.2 Manually download code and run

If you choose to manually download the code and run it on a desktop. Note that before running your app, you must select the target device (e.g., macOS).

To launch your application from the command line, enter one of the following commands:

flutter run -d windows
flutter run -d macos
flutter run -d linux

Last Updated Date: March 8, 2023

Last updated