Group Chat Action

Using this action, you can create a group chat and add and remove members from the group chat.

Before You Begin:

You'll need to set up the chat and add the pages required to build the group chat.

Types of group chat action

Following are the actions available for group chat:

  1. Create Group Chat: This creates a new group and adds members.

  2. Add Group Member(s): This adds new members to the existing group.

  3. Remove Group Member(s): This removes members from the group.

Adding group chat action

Follow the steps below to add this action to any widget.

  1. Select the Widget (e.g., IconButton, Button, etc.) on which you want to add the action.

  2. Select Actions from the properties panel (the right menu), click + Add Action button.

  3. On the right side, search and select Group Chat Action.

    1. To create a new group, set the Chat Action Type to Create Group Chat.

      1. Now, you need to provide the list of users to add. To do so, set Multiple Users to Widget State > Checked Items. Because, most probably, you'll use CheckboxListTile for such a case.

      2. Inside the Map List Items box, set the Available Options to reference.

      3. To auto navigate to the chat page after successful group creation, keep the Navigate to Chat Page toggle on.

  1. To add or remove user(s) from a group, set the Chat Action Type to Add Group Member(s) or Remove Group Member(s).

    1. First, you need to provide the chat record in which you would like to add or remove member(s). Set the Chat Document Variable to the one that receives the chat document from the previous page. Most probably, this would be the chat.

    2. Now, you need to provide the list of users to add or remove. To do so, set Multiple Users to Widget State > Checked Items. Because, most probably, you'll use CheckboxListTile for such a case.

    3. Inside the Map List Items box, set the Available Options to reference.

Last Updated Date: October 17, 2023

Last updated