
This section covers the following:

List options

While working with a list, you may need to extract specific data based on specific criteria. Our list options provides a range of functionalities for efficient data extraction. Here's what it includes:

1. Map List Items

This allows you to prepare a list of specific fields from data types such as Documents, custom Data Types, and JSON. For instance, if you have a list of Firebase Documents containing fields like name, age, and position, you can specifically generate a list consisting only of names. This option allows you to create tailored lists from complex data structures.

Here's an example of preparing a list of only cat names from Firebase documents (that contain other fields like name, age, and breed) and displaying them on dropdown.

2. Filter List Items

This option allows you to create a list of items based on specific criteria, generating a sublist of items that match. For example, you might want to create a list of users over a certain age from a larger user database or perhaps compile a list of products within a specific price range from an extensive inventory.

3. First Few Items

This option extracts the initial elements of the list up to a specified number.

4. Sort List Items

If your list contains "native data types" (like numbers or strings), we can automatically sort these elements. Native data types have a "natural ordering." For example, numbers can be sorted numerically (1, 2, 3, ...), and strings can be sorted alphabetically ("apple", "banana", "cherry", ...). For such a list, set the Sort Key to the item in the element.

Here's an example of displaying random names in alphabetical order:

To reverse sort a list, first sort it using the sort option, then apply the listView's reverse option for descending order.

For lists with custom data types, you need to tell which field to use for sorting by specifying it in the Sort Key, and this field should be a standard data type that has a clear, natural way to be ordered.

Here's how you can display a list of items (of the custom data type 'Product') in order, sorted by their price.

5. Unique List Items

This option helps you create a list with unique items, such as extracting distinct product categories or unique customer names from a larger dataset.

Here's an example of displaying a list of unique cat breed:

To get a list of unique items from a list of custom data type, first map the list of items to the field from which you want to extract unique items. For example, if you have a list of a custom data type named 'Products,' map this list to a list containing all product names. Then, derive the unique list items from this mapped list.

6. Number of Items

This option counts the total elements in the list.

7. Item at Index

This option allows you to access a specific item by its position in the list. For instance, you could retrieve the third item from a list of customer names, or select the fifth product in a catalog list. This is especially useful in scenarios where the order of items carries significance, such as fetching the latest entry in a time-ordered log, or simply when you need to pinpoint a specific item without filtering through the entire list.

8. Is Set and Not Empty

This option determines if any value is present in the list or if the list is not empty. For example, it can be used to check if a search query returned any results or to verify that a data collection process has successfully captured entries.

Can I import my source code in FlutterFlow after manually making edits to the source code using an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) like Android Studio or VS Code?

This is not supported at the moment in FlutterFlow. However, you can run your source code from GitHub directly in Test Mode

I can't copy paste widgets.

Check to ensure that Clipboard is allowed for FlutterFlow in your browser. For Chrome, please follow these steps:

  1. Select the lock icon in the website address bar.

  2. A popup will appear. Ensure it says Allow next to Clipboard.

Once done, try copy-pasting the widget again.

I'm having issues scrolling inside of FlutterFlow / I can't scroll.

FlutterFlow does not have scroll bars. Instead, just hover over the section and scroll as you would normally.

If the issue persists, please try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Try using a mouse. There are some known issues with Flutter and trackpads on Windows computers.

  • Check your scrolling settings. For example, Windows may require two fingers to scroll.

  • If you aren't using Google Chrome, switch to Google Chrome.

If the issue persists, please reach out to us at support@flutterflow.io.

How do I join the FlutterFlow community?

You can join the community via Toolbar > Help menu > Community Forum.

Joining community

Getting SHA keys for release mode

If you're releasing your app to the Play Store, you must add the SHA certificate fingerprints from the Play Console.

To get the keys for the release app, navigate to Play Store Console > Your project > Release Setup > App Signing and copy the SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys.

Getting SHA keys for release mode

Last Updated Date: March 29, 2024

Last updated